
Dive into the world of dynamic web development with our comprehensive course on PHP and MySQL. Tailored for both beginners and intermediate developers, this course provides a deep understanding of creating interactive and data-driven websites. Explore the power of PHP, one of the web's most popular scripting languages, and MySQL, the robust relational database, to build dynamic web applications from scratch.

Course Highlights:

PHP Fundamentals: Grasp the basics of PHP, from syntax and data types to advanced features like file handling, sessions, and cookies.

MySQL Mastery: Understand the essentials of database design, normalization, and SQL querying using MySQL. Dive deep into advanced features like stored procedures and triggers.

Dynamic Web Pages: Learn to create web pages that change in response to user actions. Master form handling, and data validation using PHP.

CRUD Operations: Implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations in web applications, ensuring data integrity and user interaction.

Secure Web Development: Delve into security best practices, from preventing SQL injection to handling user authentication and authorization.

Integration with Front-end: Understand how to seamlessly integrate PHP back-end code with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Real-World Projects: Apply your newfound knowledge by building real-world projects, from a simple blog platform to an e-commerce site.

Performance and Optimization: Learn techniques to make your web applications faster and more efficient, from caching to optimizing database queries.

Best Practices: Familiarize yourself with coding standards, framework usage, and other best practices that professionals follow in the industry.

By the end of the course, you will have acquired the skills to build robust, dynamic, and interactive web applications using PHP and MySQL. Whether you're looking to enhance your web development skills or kick-start a career in web development, this course is your stepping stone to success.


  • Static vs. Dynamic Websites
  • Role of PHP and MySQL in web development
  • Setting up the development environment: XAMPP/WAMP/MAMP
  • PHP syntax and structure
  • Variables, data types, and operators
  • Control structures: loops and conditionals
  • Functions, scopes, and built-in functions
  • Working with arrays and strings
  • Handling user input with forms and validation
  • Understanding relational databases
  • MySQL basics: databases, tables, rows, and columns
  • Connecting to a MySQL database with PHP
  • Fetching and displaying data from the database
  • Inserting, updating, and deleting records using PHP
  • Designing the database schema
  • Implementing Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations
  • User-friendly interfaces and error handling
  • User registration and login systems
  • Password hashing and security
  • Managing sessions and cookies in PHP
  • Joins, indexes, and normalization
  • Stored procedures and triggers
  • Backup and recovery of MySQL databases
  • Reading and writing files with PHP
  • Uploading files and storing metadata in MySQL
  • Image processing and thumbnails
  • Securing your PHP applications against common threats
  • SQL injection prevention
  • Data validation and sanitization
  • Pagination and sorting of database results
  • Implementing search features
  • AJAX integration for smoother user experiences
  • Hosting considerations for PHP/MySQL applications
  • Deploying to a live server
  • Maintenance, monitoring, and performance optimization
Students will develop a dynamic web application, such as a blogging platform, e-commerce site, or social media site, integrating all the learned concepts.


This course is tailored for both beginners and intermediate web developers who wish to master the art of web development using PHP and MySQL.
While having some basic knowledge of web development can be beneficial, it's not mandatory. We start from foundational concepts and gradually move to advanced topics.
The course extends over 6 weeks, encompassing lectures, hands-on coding sessions, and real-world projects.
Yes, multiple real-world projects are integrated into the curriculum, ensuring that you can apply what you learn in practical scenarios.
You'll require a computer with an internet connection. We'll guide you through the process of setting up a local development environment using PHP, MySQL, and any necessary software like XAMPP or MAMP.
Absolutely! After successfully completing the course and its associated projects, you'll receive a certificate validating your expertise in web development with PHP and MySQL.
We offer 6 weeks of live instructor-led support sessions. Additionally, there's an online forum where you can interact with peers and instructors to address queries and challenges.
Yes, once enrolled, you'll have lifetime access to all the course content, including lectures, resources, and any future updates.
Yes, the course is periodically updated to incorporate the latest trends, best practices, and updates in PHP and MySQL development.
We prioritize student satisfaction. If, for any reason, you're not content with the course within 5 days of enrollment, you can request a full refund.

Ratings are not provided yet.

Course Features

  • Duration : 2 Months
  • Lectures : 40
  • Categories: Back-End
  • Tags: PHP, MySQL

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